Paranex 1 Liter Paraquat
ADAMA India Pvt Ltd
Product Description
Technical Name | Paraquat Dichlride 24% SL |
Target Herbs / Weeds | Imperata cylendrica, Setaria spp., Commelina benghalensis, Boerhavia hispida, Chenopodium Spp., paspalum conjugatum, anagallis arvenis, Triathema monogyma, cyperus rotundus, fumaria parviflora, digera arvensis, trianthema portulacastrum, eragrotis sp., Fimbristylis sp., Ageratum Conyzides, Echinochloa crusgalli, Brachiaria mutica, marsilea quadriofoliata, rosa moschata, rosa eglanteria, rubus ellipticus, Eleusine Indica, |
Major Crops | Tea, Potato, Cotton, Grape, Rubber, Sugarcane, Sunflower, Rice, Wheat, Maize, Apple, all fruits, non-cropped area |
Dose / Acre | Tea (300-2000 ml/acre), Potato (800 ml/acre), Cotton (500-800 ml/acre), Rubber (600-1000 ml/acre), Rice (500-1400 ml/acre), Wheat (2 Litres/acre), Grape (800 ml/acre), Apple (1300 ml/acre), Coffee (400 ml/acre), SugarCane (800 ml/acre), Sunflower (600 ml/acre), |
Appropriate Spray Time | Tea - (First application on young succulent weeds; subsequently only spot spray). Potato - (14 days after planting or 3 weeks after planting). Coffee - (First application on young succulent weeds; subsequently only spot spray). Sugarcane - (15 to 30 days after planting followed by second spray 30 to 60 days after planting). Cotton - (2 sprays 15 and 30 days after sowing). Rice - (Pre-ploughing). Wheat-(Pre-sowing application). Sunflower-(30 days after sowing). |
Mode of Action | Non-Selective, Post emergent Herbicide |
Company Name | Adama India Pvt. Ltd. |